Welcome to the 31 Days Creativity Challenge! In August 2010 I dared my Blog readers to commit to at least
15 minutes of creativity a day. The results were amazing!! Our creativity levels exploded, we began looking at the world around us differently and we got
so much accomplished!! We painted, we scrapped, we dug deep and found ourselves through words.
The 31 Days Challenge was so productive and popular that we have another one planned for
January 2011! You won't want to miss it!!
Here are all 31 Challenges from July26th-August 25th 2010. Be sure and click on the Challenge #1, # 2, etc. to read the entire post from that day. Enjoy!
Challenge #1: Create an Art Journal for all your thoughts, ideas, inspirational quotes, etc.
Challenge #2:Pick out 3 words you love. Throughout the next few days let these words really sink their teeth in you. Take time to think about what they truly mean to you. then I want you to create "Word Art". Choose a canvas, a piece of cardstock, maybe a sheet of notebook paper, even fabric and CREATE a masterpiece us...ing your thoughts and feelings involving your word.
Here is Challenge #3: Look at a space in your home that needs a makeover or just "gone through". It may be a bookshelf, a jewelry box or like me my bedroom dresser. Clear it out, go through each book, or piece or whatever it is. What are your thoughts and feelings? Are you finding things you forgot about? Re-organize,... re-invent- create a whole new "feel" or look!
Day #4 Challenge: Today I want you to take a deep breathe and realize how AMAZING you are!! The fact that you are putting yourself out there and creating, and writing and sharing is enough. TRULY enough. Today, catch up on the past 3 days, write down any inspiring thoughts or ideas you have in your journals. Just take time to BE...
Day #5 Challenge:During my walk last night I found myself listing all the things that I LOVE in this world. I was so overcome with gratitude! Today I want you to make a list of 50 Things you LOVE!! When you're done pick out a few of those things, find come photos that match a...nd create a scrapbook page. Enjoy:)
Day # 6:What wonderfully creative things are you doing today? Spending time with family can be so inspirational. Challenge #6...invite your family to create with you. Maybe do a photo shoot, share your art supplies with your children and play or bake something together.
Day #7: Take a nice leisurely approach to your creativity today and just go through your supplies. Sort and organize and purge {if necessary}. When I take an hour or so to do this I am sooo inspired!!!
Day #8: Make sure your list of 50 Things you Love is finished. If you haven't picked out a subject from that yet and created a scrap page...work on that today.
Day#9 Challenge: Today just type in "art collage", "mixed media art", "journaling ideas", "scrapbook layout ideas"...anything you want and find some new blogs! If you find some awesome ones be sure and share them with us:)
Challenge #10: Go through a stack of photos. I have sooo many that aren't organized. Who am I kidding...none of my photos are organized!! Anyway, start with a stack and sort them out, put them in in photo albums or leave a few out to scrap. Just by doing a bit each week eventually you can get them all safely put away t...o enjoy later on. Be sure and jot any memories down you may have while sorting.Enjoy!!
Challenge #11: Let's do another journaling prompt today. I find when I write anything I become refreshed. This particular prompt is inspired by an old edition of "O" magazine..."Convinced you don't have the hours to make a life {creative} change? Make a time map of your day's activities to see how and where you spend... your days. Where could you reclaim half an hour?
Challenge#12: I really LOVE today's challenge!! I want you to take a shape or object you like {ex. stars, butterflies, buttons, circles, flowers...you get the idea} and repeat it on a scrapbook layout of collage. I did this last night and really love how the page turned out!!! I will share the layout later this weeken...d.
Challenge#13: take that stack of photos you organized the other day and turn them into your very own scrapbook kits. I began dong this nearly 10 years ago. So fun! Gather a grouping of photos, paper, embellishments, a layout idea and your journaling. Put everything in one of those 2.5 gallon plastic bags. Then when you have some time just grab a bag and get to work!
Challenge # 14: Today take the time to just BE....
{Challenge Day 15: Create a very special layout of your very bestest friend }
Challenge for Day #16...here is something simple: write an entry in your journal on all the creative things or writing things or quiet times you've had in the past 16 days that really spoke to you....that you want to do again.
Challenge Day #17:Write a list of 50 Things you VALUE in your life. Promise yourself that as we enter a new season {Autumn} only those things on your list are what your energies will go into.
Challenge Day #18:Remember those scrappy kits I encouraged you to make Day #13? Well, if you haven't had time to do that...get to it. I know I was gone most of that day so I want to create at least 2 kits this afternoon. If you did happen to get a few done...take time today to start one of your kits. I would love to se...e your work. Post it on your blogs and send me a link!!!
Creative Challenge Day #19:Today I want you to begin collecting WORDS. Find a manila envelope, a folder, anything you can put your WORDS into. You can jot down words on paper scraps or find them in magazines and books and cut them out to use on your projects. I have found some old books at yard sales this summer for a ...quarter and enjoyed going through them, cutting out words for future projects. Have fun!
Creative Challenge Day 20: Today's challenge was inspired. Think of your creative mentor and write down everything that inspires you about them. Creative minds can keep us moving on the right path.
Creative Challenge Day #21: There is only 10 days left to the Challenge...Crazy!! I have been gone for a few days and too busy to be in my art space for any length of time. So tonight I am gonna hang out there and just pitter patter around, go through some stuff and maybe paint a few backgrounds and collage. I want you to do the same today...enjoy your space, your supplies and just take everything in.
Creative Challenge Day #22:Create a scrapbook layout or collage using the following prompts..."A turning point:To what or whom do you owe your position in life today?" "A class:Can you recall a course that took your career or interests in a new level?" "A hobby:How has your life been enriched by a decision to embark o...n a new pasttime?" (from CK magazine, April 2006)
Creative Challenge Day#23: First of all...is it school yet? I am ready. It has been chaotic the past few days...I NEED some ME time!! Desperately...Today I want you to take ME TIME and do whatever your soul is longing for. Maybe a nap. Maybe a movie. Maybe your journal. Maybe a good book. Maybe creating. Let your soul decide.
Creative Challenge Day #24:Today's Challenge may seem odd. But today I want you to go for a walk! Nearly 13 years ago fitness became an almost daily occurrence for me. My walks are almost sacred. I say that because of the way they make me feel. Refreshed, de-stressed and usually very, very happy. Many times I'm inspire...d during my walks. Getting our hearts pumping can give our creativity a boost!
Creative Challenge Day #25: Today, with the kids back in school I plan on working on a project I started last week. Do you have something you've put off doing for lack of time? Why not take today and put a few more touches on it or try something new!! Let me know how you're doing.
Creative Challenge Day #26: Today I want you to make time to write in your journal. Write down any and all frustrations you have about anything...I find when my heart and mind is bogged down with all that negative energy it is nearly impossible to be creative. Try it and see how much better you feel;)
Creative Challenge Day #27 Today's Challenge extends through the weekend. I want you to choose a THEME WORD for the weekend. Mine is AUTHENTIC. I want to be AUTHENTIC all weekend! Be me. Do those things that align with who I really am. What WORD will you be this weekend??
Creative Challenge Day #28 & 29:Only 3 more creative Challenge's left, girls. The month has gone so fast! Today will be spent packing for our DC trip and getting the house all picked up before we leave in the morning. However I still plan on squeezing 10 minutes of creative time in just because it makes me happy! Why not ta...ke 10 minutes for yourself doing whatever it is that de-stresses you and puts a smile on your face:)
Creative Challenge Days # 30 & 31: Take time over the next 2 days and list all things creative you accomplished during the Challenge. Finish up any projects you started, too. Congratulations on finishing!! Be sure and let me know if you participated in the Challenge by sending me a message with your address!! I have a surprise for you;)