Friday, July 23, 2010

Gearing up For 31 Days Challenge!!

Hey, Hey, Hey...

it's FRIDAY! WHa HoO!!!!!

Lots to talk about today...first has been FOUR weeks since I've shared my Words with you. So...going back to July 2nd here we go!

June 25th-July 2nd: This was the week we packed for my 25 year class reunion and family reunion. Busy but exciting. It was also the week "Eclipse" came out.

My word is: JAM PACKED

adjective crowded, full, packed, busy, crushed, mobbed, cramped, huddled, swarming, overflowing, thronged, teeming, congested, populous

July 3rd-9th: Family reunion, Seminary Training in Platte City, Dinner Theater with Mom and this is the week we decided NO vacation due to our finances. So while, it was filled with all good stuff their was that underlying disappointment from not being able to go to New Mexico and Utah to visit friends. It was a week filled with humbling experiences. To admit that we just couldn't go on vacation to our kids and to our friends. It was hard.

July 10th-16th: I took the humbling experiences from last week and used them to figure out where we needed to go in our lives. My husband did the same thing. We both experienced an awakening this week. We were blessed with so much this week as a result of our humbling ourselves, too. This was an incredible week for us! We are so blessed:) 

July 17th-23rd: I started walking daily again this week. Creatively I am alive. I have taken this week to study my new Seminary class {that's a story for another post}, spend time with my kids, clean up my art space, create, write and be a kinder person. This week has been filled with lots of restoring of myself. My word is restore.


Are you ready for the 31 Days Creativity Challenge that starts THIS Monday?! Remember if you don't know what that is please click here to read all about it!! Grab a button, too so others can join in.

Here are a few things you can do this weekend to be ready for Monday...

1) Create a space just for you. Even if it's a card table in your bedroom with a shoe box full of supplies or your kitchen table. Have a set place you can go throughout the 31 Days. The front porch or patio works, too:)

2) Buy a notebook or find one at home...or if you already have a journal  then have that handy. You will need this to write down any journaling prompts I give you or any thoughts you may have throughout the 31 Days. Remember the 31 Days is not just about creating with paper and glue but it's also about writing and just taking the time to be

3) "Like" me on FB. Here is the link or you can click on my NEW badge located to the right. Everyday throughout the 31 Days you will find quotes on creativity and writing and the importance of just being yourself. I will post challenges on Facebook as well.


This Creativity Challenge is supposed to be fun! Do not put pressure on yourself. Creativity is all around us. It may be something as simple as you are at the park with your daughter and you notice the beauty of a flower and are inspired to create something using that image or writing a poem. Creativity is about looking at the world through different eyes.

“The world is but a canvas to the imagination.”  — Henry David Thoreau 

Use this challenge to begin seeing your entire world as inspiration. 

” Creativity is the quality that you bring to the activity that you are doing. It is an attitude, an inner approach – how you look at things . . . Whatsoever you do, if you do it joyfully, if you do it lovingly, if your act of doing is not purely economical, then it is creative.” –  Osho 

I hope you'll join me on this amazing and  mind changing activity!!

EVERYONE participating in the 31 Days Challenge be sure and let me know!! At the end of 31 Days I have a special gift to one lucky participant:)

Let me know...are you playing along?? 


  1. I'm up for the challenge, got your button, my journal, clearing off my space...

  2. what an awesome project! I will be following along, but sadly the "nesting" will most likely keep me from participating...

  3. I'm playing along. May not be posting about it every day especially at first because I'll be away from home, but will be doing something creative every day !

  4. Another beautiful post! I love hearing your words and the life that inspired them - it sounds like you have a wonderful family full of support and love. Thank you too for your comment today and please know that I have (finally) emailed you tonight, Kristin xo

  5. Dear Leslie-thank you so much for your warm words of support and kindness that you leave on my blog. It is so appreciated! I would join the 30 day creative challenge but...things are so hectic around here. I will be reading all about the wonderful things you do though:)

  6. Yes I am playing along-button on my blog and I will tweet it up!

  7. I have my "stuff" ready and am excited to jump start my creativity. I updated my blog with your button. How fun! :)


I appreciate your thoughts and ideas...they inspire me!! I will be visiting you soon. Have a CREATIVE day!!