Thursday, June 17, 2010

What am I so Afraid of??

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do."  -Mark Twain

I love that quote. Why? Because it is full of truth. Looking back on my life and thinking about what I've done...I also think about what I wish I would have done. It is those things that make me the saddest. I always think What if I would have tried that or went there. How would my life be different today? Would I have already been published? Would I be acting on the stage, behind a camera or sitting behind a microphone. Would I be rich, successful?

But then I also think...really none of those things matter to me. What I wish for the most is the knowledge and the courage I would have gained by at least trying. After all I love my life. My family. Perhaps if I would have taken certain risks, taken the road less traveled I wouldn't have met my husband, had my children and be living the life I have now.

So now is the time for me to become fearless. For me to try new things, learn and grow. To not be afraid to try.

Then why is it?

For the past few YEARS I have wanted to paint a canvass.

Yes, I said YEARS!

Oh, I did try my hand at it about 8 years ago but, in my opinion, failed. It looked just awful. 

So I bought more books, read more blogs and studied techniques in hopes of gaining knowledge and courage to try again.

Each day I tell myself today is the day.

Well, I am here to tell you that TODAY really is the DAY! I am gonna do it. I have my canvass. my paints and I have a vision for my work!! I have been so inspired by Kelly Rae's ecourse and a new book by Shona Cole called "The Artistic Mother".

Today...I'm gonna get my feet wet. 

Today I'm gonna be fearless.

"Do one thing every day that frightens you."  -Eleanor Roosevelt

So, what frightens you? What is the ONE thing you have wanted to try but are scared to?? Let me know!!


  1. Oh how exciting!!!! I can't wait to see how it all turns out...good luck...and don't forget...yellow & blue make green :OP

  2. This if fantastic!! I agree with what you said- if you took a different road it might not of ended up here and well HERE is where your supposed to be!! I think it's great your feeling so alive and creative right now!! I say GO FOR IT! Paint that picture and then HANG IT PROUD in your home. Don't critize it once your done. Hang it no matter how it turns out just because of what it represents. Then paint another to hang above it that says: Leslie IS fearless!! ;) What a GREAT example to set for your kids!!!!!!!

  3. DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!!! what has scared me??? exactly what you are doing, and i pushed through it with god at my brave, girlfriend!!

  4. so glad you are jumping in. let me know if you have any questions. be fearless, you have nothing to loose except disappointment! :)

  5.'ve put it to words!! Now jump! Just go for it! You can do it, Leslie! I'm excited to see how it comes out. And no matter what YOUR feelings are about it, please consider sharing it with us so that we can support you!! Proud of you for putting your fear into words. You've just empowered yourself and took the power away from that which you fear!!!

  6. I'm equally proud of you, dear friend! You know, your post really hit home to me. I love the honesty in which you write and tell your story. You are BRAVE!

    So . . . DO IT! We all need those gentle nudges, don't we? You've got a whole group of supporters here, dear friend. We will encourage and hold you up, so never worry, ok?

    A few years ago I made a promise that I would have NO REGRETS in life. Because, as you put, if I did 1 thing different - I would not be where I am today and would not be the person I am today. Do I wish I was a successful artist right now? Or a Broadway star? Or a famous Costume Designer? Sure, of course. But would I rather be any place else in this world than where I am this very moment? No. Not at all. Believe in yourself, but don't be to hard on yourelf. We ALL love you...just the way you are!


  7. I have written about this numerous times, but I my as well let it out of the bag here too. Everything. Everything scares me and I am unwilling to try any of it, but... Go. Bust out....Have a good time. Come visit me in my box and let me know how it goes!


I appreciate your thoughts and ideas...they inspire me!! I will be visiting you soon. Have a CREATIVE day!!