Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week Nine: Reflection

"Well-being is attained little by littel, and is no little thing itself."  -Zeno of Citium

This journey we are on is no little thing. It is about changing your week, one day, one choice at a time. We have been working together now for 8 weeks! Can you believe it?? I seriously can't. Looking back I realize there are several areas that still need this whole taking quiet time for me and my morning routine...ACK! Where does the time go??

I know when I take the time to work on myself...that is when my life falls into place. It's when I am happiest and most ME!!!

This week I want you to reflect. Look back at your journal pages...especially your Mission Statement. How are you doing?? Are you where you want to be??

I know when things don't go as planned we can be so hard on ourselves. Many of your comments in our FB group have been about how far behind you are. Trust me...I understand!! True Confession time girls...I have been signed up for Life Book 2013 and have yet to complete ANY of the's been going on for over 6 months!! Everytime I think I will...something seems to pop up and I don't make the time. Talk about GUILT! When I go on the Life Book FB page I feel simple awful...the girls are getting so much out of it and here I am dozens of assignments BEHIND!!

But you know what I HAVE been doing?? Spending time with my family, working in our Kool Kats ice shack, reading, resting and just playing. Sometimes I just sit outside on the patio, art magazine in hand, barefoot and just let the sun shine on my face. I love it!!

We do the best we can , girls. We really do. And we MuSt remember that!!

"One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows slowly endures."  -J.G. Hubbard

Girls, you are NEVER, EVER behind!! My goal with this 52 Week journal class is for you to take each week and really learn and GROW. Really become who you are meant to be. For you 52 weeks may look like 80 weeks. And that's ok.

This week is the week of REFLECTION. Look back, read your words, see how far you've come. Look for areas you need to work on. Like I said above...I know I need to find more solitude and work on my Morning Routine. Those are on my Absolute Yes List. When I practice those thiings...the rest of my life falls into place.

"Life is a great bundle of Little Things."  -Oliver Wendell Holmes

What areas do YOU need to work on?? Please share in the comment section...I would really love to hear how you are doing!!

Start your Journey here.
Find us on FB!


  1. I like the 52 weeks may look like I think that's where I will fit in! I've got a ton of extra commitments and a church calling that sometimes takes more time than I'd prefer, but I will slowly work on my pages, my routine and going to bed earlier..last night it was midnight and up at 6:00. I need more sleep than that!! I also need to commit to my daily routine and make it a priority, my day goes better when I do. Love this post Les! Hope you have a wonderful MOnday!! ;)

  2. Haha, I'm so far behind, I'm not even caught up on reviewing all of your awesome posts, Leslie! Sometimes I get stressed about not keeping up with all of my blogging friends, because I want to keep those relationships alive. But like you say, We do the best we can. It sounds like you are finding absolutely wonderful ways to use your time, and keeping up with these 52 Weeks posts is amazing!! Thanks for the continued inspiration.

  3. I can relate to you with Lifebook.. I have only done a couple of assignments.. and I feel bad when I go on the Facebook page too...

    What I need to work on.... hmmmm ... I've not been going for my walks lately, as my work is VERY strenuous and I am exhausted when I get home.. I have let my good eating habits slide a bit too lately (and feeling blah!)...

    As of tomorrow I am having 4 weeks HOLIDAYS!!! YAY!!!... one week to give our home a clean, then we fly to Cairns in Queensland for 8 glorious nights!! (tad excited I am, I am.. hehehe).. then I hope to visit my daughter, grandies and my Mum (4 hours away) ... oh, and I hope I get to have some ME TIME!!

    Love this post...


I appreciate your thoughts and ideas...they inspire me!! I will be visiting you soon. Have a CREATIVE day!!