I've been thinking a lot lately about my WORD for 2011. After all there's just 4 and a half more months of the year left! Pretty crazy, right?
So my
WORD is Reinvent. Here is an excerpt from a post last January...
I chose REINVENT because I want to become a better me. I want to take a look at my life and know that I have been successful in many areas of my life and I know I can use those success's to help me find my way with future goals. I love many parts of me but there are those areas in my life that need help. In 2011 I want to become whole. I want to take my passions that fuel my spirit and fly!!
I really love the part that says
"I want to take my passions that fuel my spirit and fly". Have I done that? Absolutely! I have taken 3 different on-line art courses, signed up for my first Craft Show and am planning my first e-course for this Christmas. I am pursuing my passions and trying to live my very best life. My spirit is definitely flying!
I set lots of goals for myself this year. Below is my list I created
last January 1st along with a note if I have completed or am working on the goal.
Goals for 2011
1) Write quality posts at least 3 times a week
{did it}
2) Become more active in LBS, read other blogs, comment and share ideas
{did it}
3) Promote women Bloggers on Words of Me Project with "Blogger of the Week" along with interviews
4) Grow "Skinny Me" to 100 plus followers while encouraging women to feel good about who they are and where they are going in this life and to BE HEALTHY!!
5) Support and encourage my friends who blog by reading, leaving comments and promoting their blogs here {see #3}
{did it}
6) Uplift, encourage and inspire {
I try my best!}
7) Post more scrapbook ideas, art journaling pages and other projects with directions
{did it}
8) Write an art journaling with words e-course
{Coming this Christmas!}
1) Write honest posts on "Skinny Me" sharing my journey with others {sometimes}
2) Get my teeth work done as well as the tests I need to start feeling better physically {YeS!}
3) Focus on whole foods rather than processed {YeS!}
4) Cut out diet soda {going on DAY 4 without a diet soda!!}
5) Cut out sugar in my diet {gives me migraines!!}
6) Workout 4 to 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes {Did it}
1) Family Home Evenings at least twice a month
{did it}
2) Be kinder to one another
3) Continue with monthly menus...this helps so much when we are busy!!!
4) Take each Monday as my "Weekly Home Blessing Hour"
{love this!}
5) Remember Fly Lady's "7 in 2011" I can do it!
6) Continue family prayer on our knees every night
7) Take time for a family game night at least 2 to 3 times a month
{getting back to that}
1) Draw closer to my Savior Jesus Christ by studying His Word, reading the Ensign magazine and prayer
{yes and continue working on that}
1) Learn and try new painting and art techniques this year
2) Take Soul Restoration starting January 11th and FINISH it!! Do every single activity!! Put the time and effort in!!
3) Share my art on Words of Me Project
4) Give a piece of art to a friend or family member
5) Take time this year to tackle the book "The Artist's Way"
{Goal for 2012} 6) Do another "31 Days" creative challenge here {look for this in March!
7) Submit one piece of art to a magazine or blog for possible publication
{Still thinking about it!}
8) Submit an article to an on-line magazine
{still thinking about it!}
Wow! I hadn't gone through my list in months..
.it feels good to know I have accomplished so many of my goals-WHOO HOO!
Before this year ends I have several more goals I hope to make happen.
1. Have a successful show in Clarinda
2. Keep drawing and sketching and try my hand at doodles
3. Submit a piece of work of Stampington
4. Finish my e-course and offer it this December-FREE!! {be on the lookout}
5. Announce my "Smash 45" {can't wait to share this with you!!!}
6. Write my first course about Art and Healing and teach locally in 2012
7. Create a Blog Button for my e-course
It is a most mortifying reflection
for a man to consider
what he has done,
compared to what he might have done.
~Samuel Johnson, in Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1770
Did you choose a WORD for 2011? What was it? Is it time to reassess your goals and see how far you've come this year? Please share!