Monday, October 11, 2010

Are You in Need of a Little Bliss?

So, last week's WORD was Gratitude. I found myself repeating "I am grateful" throughout my days. It was a wonderful  way to kick off our 52 WORDS 52 WEEKS Challenge. I even had a chance to share my word journey in Relief Society yesterday during a talk on repentance. I realized, that for me, my greatest sin is being ungrateful.

Choosing a consistent focus of heartfelt gratitude and appreciation elevates the quality of consciousness which without fail elevates and enhances quality of life. -from Abundance and

In case you are new to Words of Me Project and our 52 Words Challenge...WELCOME! Click here to learn more about the Challenge.

On to this Week's WORD!!


supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss.
Theology . the joy of heaven.
heaven; paradise: the road to eternal bliss.
Archaic . a cause of great joy or happiness.
 Couldn't we all use a little bit of bliss in our lives?!?

“Give up all bad qualities in you, banish the ego and develop the spirit of surrender. You will then experience Bliss.” Sri Sathya Sai Baba 

This week I will focus on giving up my bad qualities...

*thinking negatively about others
*beating myself up for not getting everything done
*not eating whole, clean foods
*not getting enough sleep
*not exercising and spending time outside 

I will focus on the positive in my life. I will take last week's gratitude and keep it in my heart.

There is nothing to practice. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don’t disturb your mind with seeking. .

 I would imagine if we could master the above quote we would all find our bliss...

I am doing something creative with my Weekly Words. I have decided to create my very own ART JOURNAL of all 52 Words. I will be sharing very soon...

What can YOU do to find your BLiSS this week?

PS!!!  My Birthday is TOMORROW!! My goal was to get to 175 Followers by then. I am almost there! If you are NOT a Follower already would you be so kind and give me an early present:)


  1. Ahh.. bliss. It is such a BLISSful word. :-) Thanks for always making me smile when I stop by!

  2. you forgot one other word that is Bliss......

    ICE CREAM!!!!!

    well, at least it's at the top of MY list :O)

  3. Wonderful wonderful wonderful. You are such a inspiration - and you really bring people together in such a beautiful way, xoxo

  4. I am new to the Toucan SITS group, and am SO joining in your project! I unwittingly did "gratitude" as part of my Happy Book blogging group- acknowledging what makes us happy is a part of gratitude, so every day this week I am posting as my FB status what makes me happy, and asking others to share theirs as well!

  5. Dear Leslie-we had a wonderful long weekend...ordinary is GREAT!!! I am do you know of Sai Baba? I know lots of people who are devotees... I agree with his teachings (what I have read).
    Hope my guest post is okay...I was a bit tired when i wrote it!

  6. Okay...BLISS to me is spending family time (going to Wal-Mart, hanging out, weekend trips), painting, reading, blogging...simplicity is BLISS!

  7. Bliss = anything chocolate. But the real reason i wanted to comment was because i saw the picture of the colored pebbles, and i thought it was one of those color-blindness tests, and i couldn't see the number in it...


  8. i see you have reached your 175 followers! congratulations! and have a BLISSful birthday!

  9. Congratulations on your 175 followers! And hope you have a BLISSful birthday plan for tomorrow :)

    If I were going to create my own bliss this week, I would somehow get a day of sewing to finish a baby quilt - I love that feeling of accomplishment and creativity. But my everyday bliss is cuddles from my babies and time to sit and talk to my man. And sleep! Lots of sleep!

  10. Bliss this week for me is heading to Hot Springs on Thursday to visit with my Southern Sisters!! Haven't seen them in a few years and I'm ready to be there!!

  11. Leslie...I'm so glad I found your 52 Word challenge when it started (well, a week late, but I can catch up). Sounds like such fun and I plan to follow along with your art journal idea. I hope I can keep up!!! I'll also grab a button when you get it ready...if I can figure out how to get it onto my blog. Tried putting one of Kelly Rae's buttons on with no luck so far. Thanks again, Denise Riches

  12. Bliss: being married to my husband. :)
    Bliss: writing the perfect sentence.
    Bliss: a full day in which none of our five kids craters, implodes, or explodes.
    Love your blog!
    Found you through SITS Monkey Tribe.

  13. Bliss is one of those words that make you smile when you say it. Works very well with gratitude, too. I like what you're giving up - challenges me to do the same!!

  14. bliss, i posted about it

  15. So I have allot of catching up to do.

    Bliss to me is the feeling I get watching my little boy giggle and play. Such a wonderful feeling!His laughter warms me like nothing else in this world.

    sorry so late


I appreciate your thoughts and ideas...they inspire me!! I will be visiting you soon. Have a CREATIVE day!!