***There are over 50 photos in this post!!
I am so happy today!! I get to show YOU by Studio!!
Or as I love to call it....
My Sacred Space.
In the past 25 years I have lived in four homes. I am blessed to have had a space of my own in each of them.
In our home we live in now I have moved my studio five times!!
And THIS time it's a keeper!!!
Before I show you the cleaned up version...I want to share a few BEFORE photos....
I initially moved my studio to this room last year and LOVED it.
However, there were still remnants of my daughter's room in here so
I wasn't able to fully spread everything out the way I had envisioned it. The above photo was taken just over a month ago after my girl moved into her own apartment.
Even though there was nothing but CHAOS for a few days it gave me time to go through my things.
I got rid of a whole big box of stuff!! I shared the love with a friend of mine here in Maryville:)
I must say it was VERY daunting going through all this STUFF. Plus I was trying to figure out just how I wanted my studio to be set up.
The one thing I did know was I wanted a bigger art table in front of the window...that's where I do most of my computer stuff and my creating. I LOVE the SUN!!!
Notice I had a helper that day..Mister Oreo:)
This was the space that was filled with a VERY large armoir of my daughter's. Once that was out of the room I could truly make this all MINE!!
Now for the AFTER Photos...
Walking into my studio |
I decided to break up the room into three sections...
1. A place for my stamps, vintage images, hand-painted papers and other paper-type things.
2. A place for everything MESSY! My paints, glue, modeling paste, paintbrushes, paint, glitter, etc.
3. A place where I created and used my computer.
Now let's take a closer look at each part!!
When you walk into my studio this is what you see to your left...
My Messy table along with my printer on the far left.
To the right is my stamp and paper table...
I use stamps all the time...they are my FAVORITE product!!!
(as you can see)
I have found various ways to store my stamps. My acrylic stamps are in that green basket on the left...some of my block stamps are in the 3-tiered holder on the right...
I got this at a home party years ago. I LOVE it!
Another way I store my wooden block stamps is with this
bathroom holder I found at a junk shop.
It costs me a whole dollar!!
Another one of my favorite storage pieces is this three shelf piece from the 70's. It cost a dollar at a yard sale.
I know it must look messy to you...
But to me I know EXACTLY what's in it! On the bottom I have all my pencils and erasers plus a basket of foam stamps. The middle holds my hand-painted papers and few calendar stickers. On the top is a clear-plastic box full of 3-D embellishments along with patterned paper strips I like to use in my work.
Throughout my studio I have sweet little gifts my friends have sent me through the years...
This darling tag was given to me by my Brave Girl Sister Summer.
Also on that table are more foam stamps, embellishments and another friend's art work...this one is from Jodene Shaw in from White Owl Wings Mixed-Media.
This is another treasure I found at a yard sale a few summers ago...
It's the PERFECT spot for all my Vintage Girls!!!
Ok let's head over to my Messy table now...
I found this three-tiered piece at Hobby Lobby for $3.00!!!
Not all my paints fit so I have added a basket...
I also keep paper towels in my studio...it's a must have for me and all the messes I make!!!
My stencils are in basket on the left and my long/bigger paintbrushes are on the right.
The container my brushes are in is from Hobby Lobby. It was supposed to be used for silverware but when I saw it I just KNEW it was the perfect brush holder. The nice thing is there is a handle on it so I can easily move it to where I am.
All my smaller brushes fit nicely in a vase I purchased at a yard sale for a quarter.
It just makes me happy!!
Other things on my table include foam brushes (there on the top left), spray inks (in that striped photo box on the bottom left, my glue, modeling paste, gel medium, spray bottle and my paint trays.
Oh, by the way...you can't see it but where the foam brushes are on top and the spray inks on the bottom...That is one of those extra shelving racks you can buy at Wal-Mart. Super cheap and works GREAT in your studio for adding extra space to your table!!!
Let's get to my main table...where I work on my computer and create!
This is my beloved MAC. My hubby bought for me two years ago and I will NEVER have a PC again!
As you can see I have several things surrounding my computer...
I have my stamp that says...
"You had the power all along, my Dear..."
And a photograph my Brave Girl Sister Patti just sent me...a sweet reminder!!
This is a saying from Melody Ross and Brave Girl's Club...
The bright notebook with the girl on it is from my dear friend Sandy...the bird is new and has my one of my favorite Bible verses on it...
"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven."
The cream colored bowl has Brave Sayings in it for my Brave Heart Cards and journals.
The three tiered jewelry keeper I found at Hobby Lobby for less than $5 on clearance. It holds my smaller Washi tapes, two birds my girl gave me along with cut-out quotes and my reader glasses. My favorite scissors usually sit here, too.
The journal you see is my "I AM" journal.
To the left of my MAC is where I create...
My Avon Heart mug is a MUST in my studio!! Hearts are my thing after all!! My Mama gave me this cup for Valentine's Day back in the 1980's. It's my water brush cup now:)
The silver two-tiered tray is from a yard sale...it has my Zazz glues, gelato's and oil pastels on it.
The white drawers were on clearance from Michael's. Perfect Place for my Ott Light to sit as well as my tiny alphabet stamps, black ink pads and other things.
The white Heart vase on top is from Minnie Lane in Maryville...a few of my go-to gelato's are in there.
On the same table I have a place for all my alphabet stencils, glue sticks and small photos of me I use in my journals.
I use freezer paper on my desk so when I create I can be as messy as I want!!
I just love my view, too!! Our sweet little neighborhood! My husband was leaving to go hunting when I snapped this!
Let's see what else is in my space...
This bookshelf sits on the opposite wall of my creating desk. It's where I keep journals, books I use for my blog and other endeavors, a few stamps and my 12x12 patterned scrapbook paper.
On top of the bookcase are old photographs, some finished projects I want to keep safe and see that Beautiful pink Dream Catcher?? My girl Sherry Canino from our group sent me that last Christmas!
The little table to the right is for larger projects I am working on. At the moment is a canvas along with stickers I intend on using in a photo collage for my daughter.
This is a small bookcase right as you walk into my studio...
It houses all my How-To Painting type books, a few small treasures I use in my work and that sunflower basket is full of flowers.
My most cherished piece in my studio is this corner shelf from my childhood. I have had this shelf since I was born. My Mom had it in my bedroom where all my special things were kept safe.
It's now used in my space for books, albums and other things.
My Brave Girl Camp apron and bag are also there.
You may have noticed this post-it notes...
Years ago I took a class from Melody Ross and she encouraged us to write notes to ourselves.
Charlie Brown is a childhood favorite of mine!!
This little guy was all by his lonesome at a yard sale last summer for $1.00.
I love him!
I wish I could take credit for this mixed-media piece but I can't.
Isn't it GORGEOUS??!!!
I bought this at a local craft show a few years back. It still inspires me!!!
Here's my bulletin board. I have had this thing for 15 years! It's not very full right now as I just got it hung. I plan on using it for Blog and Project Ideas.
This hangs beside my bulletin board...
It was given to me by Emma. I ADORE it so much!!
Some of my favorite things are here...my fave Emoji, my Brave Girl Medal from Camp, An Anasazi Quote, a note from my daughter and more.
Throughout my studio is my Art...
This is my favorite shelf and sits to the right of my chair.
That photo is ME when I was 4 years old.
Beside me is a bird...My Truthteller reminding me of my little girl self. You also see a crown from sweet Sandy, a koala and some sand from Sandy (she lives in Australia!!). The suitcase was my Barbie case when I was a little girl. I am pretty sure before that it was my Mama's!
The Art Materials book is from Minnie Lane and I LOVE it!! It's so retro yet so full of FANTASTIC art terms that I need today!!!
That cutie Ziggy was my Dad's (he has been gone 21 years now). The flowers are from my cousin Lora.
Remember this space??
It looks like this now!!
Books I am reading, boxes with Washi Tape, ink pads and die-cuts.
Those photo boxes on top are full of photos.
Just a few more things...
This is my NEW cart I bought last week. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
The top holds all my planner supplies, the middle my Bible Journaling stuff and the bottom has new stamps I want to work with and all my tags.
Just a few more things before I go...these are my two babies!!
I have more but these two are almost ALWAYS
in my studio with me!!
Gizmo is on the left and Bo is on the right.
They bring me JOY!!
I sure hope you have enjoyed seeing my studio and been inspired to create your very own sacred space!!
For more art inspiration join my FB group Mind.Body.Soul Art Journaling