We watched "Julie and Julia" again last night. I just ADORE that show!! If you haven't seen it you MUST! It's uplifting and fun and gets me to thinking about my own life, my own dreams and where I dream of going in my lifetime. Both Julie and Julia are amazing women, who against the odds made something BIG out of themselves. One wanted to cook, the other to write. Instead of settling for the ordinary they went out on a limb, poured their heart and soul into their work and became EXTRAORDINARY! If you haven't watched it yet...I highly recommend it.
I have been promising some photos I've taken in the past few months. I finally got them uploaded...here a few!
Check out Em and Maddie on the soccer field in Columbia for the Show Me Games 3 v 3!!! And her awesome team!!
Jackson was in his first play in November. Check us out after the curtain call. His hair is a bit goofy due to the part he played!!
Our fabulous Thanksgiving table and my family.
We are ringing in the New Year with friends tonight. Playing games, eating fondue and just enjoying each others company. Can't beat that:)
And speaking of the New Year...here is what I'm most thankful for this year!! My amazing family. Aren't they cute Christmas Morning?!
Have a WONDERFUL evening tonight whatever your plans and see you in the New Year!!
Again. . . WE ARE ALIKE! I LOVE Julie and Julia, and actually wrote about it on my blog back in August (after seeing the movie in the theater.) That movie is what inspired me to BLOG (YEA!!!) and continues to inspire me! LOVE IT. And Love the photos of the family having fun and LIVING! You have a lovely family and I hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve! Happy New Year to all of you!