Monday, December 7, 2009

My Word for 11/30-12/6

How in the heck are ya'?! Me? Doing just GREAT!! I'm a bit slow getting my WORD on-line today. Busy with Visiting Teaching and doing home stuff...all good.

So last week was another awesome week for me. As I've thought about the WORD that would fit just so here's what I've come up with...


1. pertaining to or suitable for a feast or festival: festive decorations; a festive meal.
2. joyous; merry: a festive mood.

From decorating the tree and our home to watching favorite Christmas movies and attending 2 parties...everywhere you turn it's Christmas. I absolutely LOVE everything about it, too!!

There's the CUTEST Blog I found one day several weeks ago that you MUST visit to get in the Holiday mood-"From Chaos Comes Happiness". Leanne has become a friend to me these past few weeks...she is just so UP. You'll love her, too!!

I'm out of I'm not on during my usual morning "chi" is all out of whack and my daughter is glaring at me...wanting to get on Facebook.

**Remember if you want to share your WORD with us...please leave a comment!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awe. . . . Les! You warm my heart! Thanks for the shout out - and glad to see you back in blogland (I was missing you SO much the past few days!) Hope you had a wonderful weekend! How is your December Daily coming? Oh, and I'm LOVING this weeks WORD! I had a super FESTIVE weekend, myself! Peace and look forward to reading more from you soooon!


I appreciate your thoughts and ideas...they inspire me!! I will be visiting you soon. Have a CREATIVE day!!