Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week Two: My 70 Day Commitment-Discipline and Perseverance

In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm… in the real world all rests on perseverance. 
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I know from experience the above statement is 100% truth. I can be so excited for a project/goal...gather everything I need, write down the steps it takes me to get there, etc. etc. But unless I WORK and PERSEVERE through all the muck...all the times I want to QUIT, throw in the towel...say I have had ENOUGH...the goal will never be reached.

Sixteen years ago this June...I completed a full, 26.2 mile marathon. The Mayor's Midnight Sun in Anchorage, Alaska as a part of the Leukemia Society's Team in Training.

Yep, that's me at approx. Mile 17.(I am the one running not the lady in the purple shorts...lol) I had just ran through those gorgeous pine trees you see behind us and was making my way to the city of Anchorage where I knew my sweet family would be! They gave me a high five and a quick hug as I went by. Talk about SUPPORT! Wow! That helped me so much!!

When I look back to my marathon days(I ran one more and completed a Sprint Triathlon)what kept me going...what helped me reach my goals was DISCIPLINE and PERSEVERANCE. I not only repeated those words over and over throughout my training...I had them embroidered on a sweatshirt. They became my way of life.

That, I have come to realize, is what's lacking in my life today. 

Last week I shared my goals with you over the next 70 days. Why 70 days? My daughter and I are headed to France in June and I want nothing more than to lose ten pounds by the day our flight leaves. I KNOW I can do it...I have done it before but I am realizing that without discipline and perseverance I am never going to make it.

And that just won't do.

Don't ever give in. Don't ever give up. Never surrender even if you've had enough.
Franchine Chiar
So my first week of my commitment was...ok. I walked, drank my water and would eat well for awhile then give in to something that sounded good (chocolate eggs and strawberry shortcakes!)
I was mad at myself more times than not and eventually became depressed and hopeless. Yes, I get that way when I don't honor myself. And lately I haven't been honoring myself at all.

But last night I told myself that in my second week of my 70 day commitment things would be different. So I took a hot bath and was in bed by 11! A big step for me...I love staying up late which leads to late night binge eating. The bath was a wonderful treat, helped me relax and not eat:)

I woke feeling refreshed this morning and ready to take on the world. With my pedometer on I gave myself an eight thousand step goal for my walk...which I accomplished! Go me!! I find when I start my day off with healthy choices it's easier to keep making good ones throughout my day. 

That's me at the end of my first marathon in Alaska. Even though it's been nearly twenty years since I crossed that finish line I will NEVER forget the FEELING I had!! NEVER. It was one of the most incredible moments of my life. I had goal, I planned, I trained, I PERSEVERED and I FINISHED! 

My life changed that day in more ways than I can count. This week I am going back there...to that feeling...to all the hard work and time I put in to get my body in shape...I AM ready for Week 2. I am READY to reach my goals!!

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

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I appreciate your thoughts and ideas...they inspire me!! I will be visiting you soon. Have a CREATIVE day!!