"Be grateful. Be smart. Be clean. Be true. Be humble. Be prayerful."
- President Hinckley
This piece of advice was given by one of my favorite men that walked the earth-Gordon B. Hinckley. He was a great leader in my Church...respected, loved and cherished by everyone who ever met him or heard him speak. Sadly, he died a couple of years ago...but his memory lives on in the hearts of so many.
The first time I came across Hinckley's famous "Be" quotation was back in 2006. We were visiting our friends in Utah and I saw the quote hanging above their sink in the kitchen. I LOVED it! It spoke to me on so many levels. "Be grateful. Be smart. Be clean. Be true. Be humble. Be prayerful." It was a like a compass for my life. A reminder of how I envisioned myself to be. The qualities I wanted to pass along to my children.
It was during that summer I became a fan of "Be's". I found myself searching for not only that quote on a plaque but anything with the word "Be" in it.

I've always enjoyed the song "Let it Be" by the Beatles. It's my favorite. That summer I found a shirt with that on front of it! I was thrilled. I wear it often especially on those days I want to feel inspired...like today.
Two summers ago, during one of our Utah trips, we ended up at the Ogden Mall, like always. We hit all our favorite stores like Franklin Covey (yes, I'm a nerd), Aeropostale, American Eagle and Down East Basics. As we were heading out, we happened to go through a HUGE gift type store. There, right by the door was the most amazing grey granite tile I'd ever seen. It said in bold letters "Just Be". Without hesitation I bought it and smiled all the way home. It now sits on top of my armoire in our bedroom. Every morning I'm reminded to let it go. Enjoy life, all those little moments. Don't get uptight over the little stuff. Just Be.
Last fall while back to school shopping with the kids I sound the most perfect "B"...it was a silver necklace...very simple. Just a letter "B" on a small silver circle with another circle (this one gold) that says "Love". Inside the box was a note that said, "Whenever you wear this "B", be reminded of who you are and where you are going. Love the journey." I wear it almost daily. It might sound funny but when I'm wearing it I'm reminded of all those "Be's"...Hinckley's, The Beatles and my "Just Be" plaque. It keeps me calm and on the path I've set out for myself.
Now, it seems, wherever I go I'm in search for more "B's". The letter, the word...it doesn't matter. I just want more. Be's speak to me.
Oh, I did find this website the other day. Of course I had to check it out. She must love "B's" just like me:)
On a whole other note....
I have a FUN NEW project I'll be starting and want to share with you!!!
See this book?

I bought it a few years ago from Amazon. I keep looking at with every intention of using the ideas to create amazing, story filled scrapbook pages...I just haven't yet. So it hit me today. Why not take a cue from "Julie and Julia" and instead of cooking my way through a book...scrap my way through one! So that's what I'm gonna do!
Beginning Monday I'll be scrapping my way through "What about the Words?" from the Editors of Memory Makers. There are dozens of creative ways to journal your stories from using definitions on your pages to song lyrics and fairy tales. I can't wait to get started!! I'll have my first layout Monday!!:)
If you want to play along go here. They are super cheap on Amazon.
I'm off to work on my Book Project. As I get farther along I'll let you know what I'm doing.
Have an amazing weekend:)
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I appreciate your thoughts and ideas...they inspire me!! I will be visiting you soon. Have a CREATIVE day!!