"Order your soul;reduce your wants;live in charity;associate in Christian community;obey the laws;trust in Providence>" -Saint Augstine
This quote sums up what I want in my life. This is what I've been striving for all week. I'm happy to say that by Sunday I should have my WORD...and it's gonna be a good one.
I had something in my life that was weighing me down. I realized this week that not only is it okay for me to say NO, but I can do it with graciousness and love and not feel bad about my decision. So many people have faith in me. It humbles me daily. But, believe it or not I am NOT Wonder Woman. Now, I strive to be. But usually end up failing miserably. And to be honest...I am tired of failing. I'm ready to TAKE FLIGHT!! I'm ready to excel at my weight loss, at my art, at my writing, at being a mom and at being the best Christian woman I can.
I'm ready.
Encouraging healing art through writing, prayer and connecting to the Creator
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A new project to work on
Just wanted to share with you what I'll be working on besides the WOMP. So excited to do this project this year!! December Daily
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm Evolving...
Okay, Week 4 already with the Words of Me Project. Can you believe I actually forgot to have my word ready for this morning?! AGH! Just one busy life I'm leading right now!!
Last week I made some strides in certain areas of my life yet took a step backward in another. Will I ever get it right? The word I've picked to describe my life from last week is....
–verb (used with object)
1. to develop gradually: to evolve a scheme.
That's me...I'm developing gradually...oh so gradually. *sigh* LOL!
I'm working on so many things right now...
*my clean eating
*working out more with weights
*better time-management
*serve others without feeling overwhelmed
*cook healthy, yummy foods for my family
*too, too many to mention
Maybe each word from here on out will be some form of the word EVOLVE or CHANGE or TRANSITION. I'd like to think soon I'll have words like FABULOUS, PERFECT, HEAVENLY and FUN!
How are your words coming? Are you choosing a word before the week starts and focusing on that? That's a great concept...have done that many times before. Lots of fun and if you really try, you can learn so much and actually "live" out your word. Let me know how you're doing AND REMEMBER it is NEVER too late to jump right in and play along with the Words of Me Project!!
Last week I made some strides in certain areas of my life yet took a step backward in another. Will I ever get it right? The word I've picked to describe my life from last week is....
–verb (used with object)
1. to develop gradually: to evolve a scheme.
That's me...I'm developing gradually...oh so gradually. *sigh* LOL!
I'm working on so many things right now...
*my clean eating
*working out more with weights
*better time-management
*serve others without feeling overwhelmed
*cook healthy, yummy foods for my family
*too, too many to mention
Maybe each word from here on out will be some form of the word EVOLVE or CHANGE or TRANSITION. I'd like to think soon I'll have words like FABULOUS, PERFECT, HEAVENLY and FUN!
How are your words coming? Are you choosing a word before the week starts and focusing on that? That's a great concept...have done that many times before. Lots of fun and if you really try, you can learn so much and actually "live" out your word. Let me know how you're doing AND REMEMBER it is NEVER too late to jump right in and play along with the Words of Me Project!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Where the Wild Things Are

I can't say that I truly wanted to see this movie. I mean I remember the cover of the book but have never read it (that I remember anyway). However, last night it was all cold and rainy so several of us decided to take our kids to see the movie. Oh boy.
I had read some bad press regarding the film already so I went into the movie fully expecting something a bit weird...but I'm okay with weird most of the time. What I was not expecting is a case of full blown depression and sadness. I mean who needs that from a kid's film?
I thought the little boy Max was a total BRAT. I can't imagine biting my mother and getting away with it. Max was shown as an out of control child with deep psychological problems. Then the Wild Things. Carol the main beast was cute and cuddly for the most part...but the rest of the group-pretty scary to most little kids. It was violent and crazy and well, wild. Poor Douglas (Carol's best friend) gets his arm ripped off in a fit of rage.
I really wish I hadn't seen this movie. It depressed me and left me with an unsettled feeling.
**BTW, I have never written about a movie in such a negative way before...but honestly, I would NEVER take my little ones to see this.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Photo Shoot!!
I uploaded a bunch of photos to my computer yesterday and thought I'd share a few with you.
The top photo was taken a few Sundays ago. Jackson and Emma finally getting along!! They spent the afternoon hanging out. It was just great.
The next photo was taken our anniversary in Weston. This was the Apple Festival. So fun!
That's Em being so silly.:)
Just a comparison of how tall my little boy is getting!! That's his Grandma!:)
How is your week going? Have you been working on anything creative? I have two talks to give this weekend at church so I'm gonna use my talents writing today! Make it a good one:)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Word for the Week-10/12-18

You know this whole Word of the Week thing is really making me stop and take a long look at how I spend my time. I notice myself trying to pick a word by Wednesday...I'll think of 5 or more that have described my week so far. By Friday I'm panicking a bit as I can't decide which word to choose or because my week has taken a drastic turn and what I thought would work Wednesday is so not gonna work by Friday. Then Sunday night, as I'm looking over my planner, checking out all the "To-Do's" for the coming week a word will just pop up and I think to myself..."That's perfect!"
My word from last week is
/trænˈzɪʃən, -ˈsɪʃ-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tran-zish-uhn, -sish-] Show IPA
Use transition in a Sentence
See web results for transition
See images of transition
1. movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
2. Music.
a. a passing from one key to another; modulation.
b. a brief modulation; a modulation used in passing.
c. a sudden, unprepared modulation.
3. a passage from one scene to another by sound effects, music, etc., as in a television program, theatrical production, or the like.
–verb (used without object)
4. to make a transition: He had difficulty transitioning from enlisted man to officer.
1545–55; < L trānsitiōn- (s. of trānsitiō) a going across, equiv. to trānsit(us) (ptp. of transīre to cross; cf. transit ) + -iōn- -ion
Related forms:
tran⋅si⋅tion⋅al, tran⋅si⋅tion⋅a⋅ry /trænˈzɪʃəˌnɛri, -ˈsɪʃ-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tran-zish-uh-ner-ee, -sish-] Show IPA , adjective
tran⋅si⋅tion⋅al⋅ly, adverb
1. changeover, passing, conversion.
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.
Cite This Source
I am in the middle of starting a new business, changing my diet by clean eating, exercising more and trying to learn how to accept the fact that my kids are growing up. It's all good stuff but overwhelming for me most days. Top this off with the fact we are helping 2 very dear families start business's and one is living with us on weekends...I'm a bit frazzled. When I'm feeling this way I tend to go into "Mean mode"...not nice to anyone. Since that is just not the way I want to be I'm giving it my all to change the way I look at these changes and am trying to make the most of them. The word TRANSITION just seems to fit.
It's funny because as I got to really thinking about all these words I kept hoping for words like "bliss", "charming", "peaceful" or "spiritual" to describe my week. Maybe in the future...but not at the moment!!
Okay, so for now here are my words from the past 3 weeks...
It seems like I'm that homely caterpillar, growing and changing to become a butterfly. That's what I'm hoping for...we'll just have to wait and see.
What's your word for the week? Let us know!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursday's are good

Ever since I can remember Thursday's have been my favorite day of the week. I think it all goes back to my HS days and "Fame" was on the TV Thursday nights-LOL. Anyone else watch that show?? The top photo is from the album that was born out of that show. Lori Singer from "Footloose" fame starred in it. I loved it!!
Anyway...been thinking about writing and words a bit this week. I used to write a weekly column for my local newspaper...did this for nearly 5 years and enjoyed it.I quit nearly 4 years ago to pursue on-line writing. Yesterday at the gym this sweet older lady kept staring at me. Finally she said "Do you still write?" I smiled and said "You must have read my column." She shook her head and announced proudly "I made your Grandma's cookies once." I had forgotten I had even put those in the paper!!
Not only did this kind lady make my day but she made me think when she asked me if I still write. I don't think a whole lot about it but LOTS of people have asked me that since I quit the Forum.They just assume that just because I used to write I must still...that's pretty neat to me. For as long as I can remember I wanted to write. Books, plays, movies, articles...you name it I planned on writing it. I wanted to be known as a writer. Writers lead mysterious, exciting lives. Writers wear long flowing scarves and have rumpled hair. Writers are a bit quirky, they stay mostly to themselves and always have their nose in a book. So I"m wondering does this describe me in any way? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...
Yeah, pretty much. (well, minus the flowing scarves part and rumpled hair. I mean with me it's all about the hair. Oh, and really my life isn't that mysterious it's rather normal...but the quirky part? To a T.)
Monday, October 12, 2009
My Word for Oct. 5-11

Happy Monday everyone!! I hope your weekend was awesome:)
Okay, here's the deal...last week was wonderful. We had friends here all week, I made a new friend, lots of spiritual stuff going on, Em's game, Jackson's debate, etc., etc. but all of it WORE ME OUT!! There was very little ME time and my house is a disaster today...so my word from last week is
I almost feel bad saying that but honestly it describes how I felt last night...exhausted. Exhaustion doesn't have to be bad...and all the stuff I did last week was good...so I'm exhausted in a good way.
I learned quite a bit about myself last week...I need my time to just relax and be myself. I need to eat clean foods and I need to exercise no matter what. My week would not have been so exhausting if I would have done those things.
How was your week? Did your word describe your week?
I'd like to share this quote with you today...
"Three outstanding qualities make for success: judgement, industry, health. And the greatest of these is judgement." -William Maxwell Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook
BTW, Mary I will get your gift out this week!!:)
Thursday, October 8, 2009

As the week goes by I find myself wondering what WORD will describe this week. I've been pondering on a few but won't know until Sunday sometime. This is so fun and has given me a different perspective on my life. Isn't that what creativity is all about?
Speaking of creativity...I'm excited to be baking today with friends.I have always loved to cook but it hasn't been until the last year that I've really been interested in cooking and baking and learning how to do it better. Cooking is definitely a creative thing. I get the same type of "high" when I finish a layout or other scrappy project. Today I'm getting together with 3 friends to learn how to bake homemade rolls and granola bars. We're finishing the afternoon off with homemade soup! Yum-o! It's all rainy and cold here today-PERFECT:)
What creative activities do you find yourself wanting to learn more about? I would love to hear and become inspired!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Check this site out
I was visiting one of my fave blogs today and found a cool, very inspirational sketch site. Check out Twisted Sketches. I haven't had much time to look around but it looks FUN! I'm gonna put a link on my sidebar, too. Looks like a place I'll enjoy.
What in the world did we do without blogs? I mean, seriously...I LOVE checking out new blogs, my fave blogs, all blogs. Each day I get a chance to catch a peek into other's lives from all over the world. How awesomely amazing is that?
What in the world did we do without blogs? I mean, seriously...I LOVE checking out new blogs, my fave blogs, all blogs. Each day I get a chance to catch a peek into other's lives from all over the world. How awesomely amazing is that?
Monday, October 5, 2009
My first Word and we have a winner!!

So what a WONDERFUL week I've had! It started with my Week in the Life project and ended with inspiration and creativity flowing through me like never before. I know when we DO projects we become more creative. It's just the doing them that's hard to start.
Not only did I take more photos this week than I have in MONTHS but I kept track of our daily lives in my journal AND I totally cleaned out my creative space so now I'm ready to scrap at a moment's notice-Hooray! You know just by going through my old supplies, photos and memorabilia I found myself coming up with endless ideas for pages projects. (Note to self: creativity keeps me sane and makes me happy ) I even created the cutest little book for my 52 words!!
So, let's just get right to it...my WORD for the first week is
No, I didn't choose it because it's the start of something new. I chose it because this past week it was like a lightbulb went off in my head and I could see more clearly than I have in possibly years. Seriously.
This week I kept my home clean and organized with very little effort. I had meals planned out and cooked and served with a smile on my face (not to mention my family's). I created, I wrote in my journal, I scrapped, I worked out, I ate clean, I blogged. I did so many things I LOVE to do. My heart is overflowing with joy this morning just thinking about it. **The one thing I did not do and that is read Scriptures. Still a biggie on my list. *sigh*. I'll work on that this week!
So BEGINNING is a fitting word for me this week as I feel like I've begun some pretty awesome habits and hope to continue. I would love to have 51 more weeks like this past one!
WE HAVE A WINNER!!! The scrap pack goes to Mary. Thanks Mary for leaving a comment and putting a link on your blog. Thanks to everyone that did that these past 2 weeks. I appreciate it!! And hey, if you weren't a winner this time...there will be more give-aways throughout this project.
By the way, if you love this Blog and the 52 Words Projects won't you please let your friends know?!!
Make it a great day everyone!:)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Awesome photos of what inspired WOMP
First and foremost Ali Edwards inspired this Words of Me Project. Then last year I came across a pile of my race photos and some other daring things I've tried. I thought that they really should be scrapped and the Words of Me album was born. I have changed it up for this challenge...but what I did with this cool 8x8 book is use one word to describe me at that particular moment. I really love the results. Check out a few of the pages...oh and I've also posted a pic of my little book I use to jot my journaling in for scrapping.
PHOTOS!! Prize Pack and more!!
So I got the computer/photo upload thingy figured out. So easy...I'm embarrassed!! In the above photos you will see the coolio prize pack I'm gonna give away to one luck Words of Me Project reader. Remember to leave your comments!! You have until Monday October 5th!!! Also a few photos to show you how my Week in the Life is coming along!!
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