It's been a LONG time since I posted.
I believe it's the longest time in the past 7 or so years I have stayed quiet.
But you know what?
I NEEDED time away.
I NEEDED time to just BE.
I was feeling overwhelmed and burnt out.
Plus I just needed to figure out where I wanted to go with my writing,
my art and my FB community.
I was blessed to attend Sister Camp in Ponca, Arkansas the end of April.
It was EXACTLY what I needed!!
Two and half days filled with love and light from 12 AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL Souls.
My Heart is STILL full from time spent in the Mountains.
While I was there I made a decision.
I am NOT going to get Brave Girl Certified.
While I LOVE Brave Girl's Club and all they do and have done for me...
it just wasn't feeling authentic for ME.
I realized during my stay at Camp I have my OWN Story to tell.
I've decided to share what's in MY Heart.
So this summer as I continue my Creative Journey I will
begin writing and gathering for my OWN Soulful Retreat.
As I do so I will be thinking of YOU.
Thinking about what it is YOUR Heart is yearning for.
What YOUR Heart needs to Heal.
I hope you can join me in my on-line community on Facebook
I am working on a simple, yet inspiring Challenge for the Summer.
Stay tuned!